5 Key Pre/Post-Natal Breathing Exercises to Help You During & After Pregnancy

Pre/Post-Natal Breathing Exercises blog featured image

Pregnancy is a wonderful and transformative journey marked by a wide range of physical and emotional changes. As expectant mothers navigate this experience, prioritising their health becomes incredibly important. One crucial aspect of prenatal (and, indeed, postnatal) care involves incorporating effective breathing exercises into daily routines. These exercises not only promote relaxation and stress relief […]

How to Get Started with Breathwork – a Beginners Guide

Get Started with Breathwork

Looking for a bit more zen in your life? Need a mental spa day? Want to learn how breathwork can help you exhale your worries away? Well, it’s time to uncover the full spectrum of what breathwork has to offer and learn how simple, accessible tools and breathing techniques can help you master your body […]

What Is Shamanic Breathwork?

shamanic breathwork

Shamanic Breathwork stands out as a powerful tool for self-discovery and transformation. It’s not merely a breathing exercise but a profound journey inward, merging rhythmic breathing, evocative music, and focused intention to unlock the depths of the subconscious mind. By engaging in shamanic breathwork exercises properly, people can connect with their inner selves, traverse deeper […]

7 Undeniable Benefits of Breathwork

Benefits of Breathwork

The world is full of distractions. Finding a chance for peace and calm is often exceedingly difficult. However, there’s a simple yet powerful practice that has been gaining attention for its profound effects on mental, emotional, and physical well-being: breathwork. Breathwork is not just ‘breathing deeply and slowly’. It is a holistic exercise that encompasses various […]

Breathing Exercises For Panic Attacks

Breathing Exercises For Panic Attacks

An estimated 40 million Americans live with anxiety disorders, including 6 million with a panic disorder diagnosis and 7.7 million affected by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Panic attacks can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. And they are more common than you think. As many as 25% of people have one at some point […]

How Do You Do Somatic Breathwork? 5 Easy Steps.

Somatic Breathwork

We breathe a lot. It happens automatically. It’s estimated that a regular person would breathe around 22,000 times a day. However, most of us don’t breathe correctly. Sometimes we breathe too fast, too slow or use the wrong parts of our body. Breathing isn’t just essential to stay alive. The way we breathe affects our […]

The Basics to the Buteyko Breathing Technique

Buteyko Breathing Technique

Buteyko breathing is an effective and natural way to improve your health, reduce your stress, and improve the quality of your sleep. Across your wellness journey, you’ve likely encountered everything from meditation and intense workout routines to various breathing techniques. The Buteyko Breathing Technique is rooted in the understanding that altering our breathing patterns can […]

Top 7 Military Breathing Techniques for Sleep & Performance We Can Use Daily

Military Breathing Techniques For Sleep

We live in a stressful world. Daily life is exhausting. We get so consumed in our day-to-day, that too often we forget about our sleep and our health. But here’s the thing. Finding strategies to improve your sleep and enhance your performance is absolutely essential to your emotional, physical and psychological wellbeing. A better sleep […]

The History and Origins of Breathwork

History And Origins Of Breathwork

Are you new to breathwork? Do you want to better understand where this practice came from?  You might be surprised to know that breathwork has been practised as a form of healing for centuries. Breathwork isn’t just a fad recommended by some hippy guy at your gym. From the ancient yogic practices in India, to […]